Welcome to Your Fluffy Puppy.com
Everything I know, I learned from dogs. –Nora Roberts
We are an ethical breeder and we offer full disclosure on the State of Iowa Veterinary Certificate.
We consider the social, physical and mental health of the dogs/ puppies in our program.
We work hard at improving the breeds we offer, as we take pride in offering healthy puppies with an exceptional health protocol that is second to none.
We offer a health guarantee, puppy wellness check, and lifetime breeder support.
We are licensed and inspected annually by the State of Iowa/AKC.
We are required to be inspected annually, but our veterinarian frequently visits our facility thru out the year.
My Team

If you do what you love,
you'll never work a day
in your life.
Marc Anthony
Nancy Owner/Manager
I could not ask for a more rewarding career. I do what I love.
I was that typical little girl that loved all animals. I had a childhood full of kittens, puppies, bunnies, snakes, mice and hamsters. If I could talk my parents into it, (I was a good negotiator) it was mine.
Fast forward 40 years, I'm still that little girl at heart. Now I have my dogs, horses, dorper sheep, boer goats and beef cows. I'm living my childhood dream.
I enjoy all aspects of what I do, reading pedigrees, planning my next litter, waiting for the much anticipated birth, cleaning, grooming, reading food labels, volunteering as president of IaPBA, (state) and secretary of BLC, (national) organizations to help breeders learn new ideas to care for their pets.
Education/Knowledge is very important to me, and giving back to the people that have helped me along the way. (it has been very rewarding journey)
Iowa Pet Breeders Association (www.iowapetbreedersassociation.com) is an educational organization that offers annual seminars with leading experts in the care of canine adults and neonates(puppies).

Beth Office Assistant/ Puppy Specialist
Beth brings many years of knowledge to my team. She has worked with animals her whole life: vet assistant, grooming, retail, training, breeding and showing dogs.
Beth brings a can do attitude and loves every puppy born here.
She works hard making sure that all your emails, phone calls and text are responded to in a timely manner.

Dr. Monica Wagner, DVM
Dr. Monica has been a personal friend for many years. I have known her from the animal loving/horse crazy little girl, to the accomplished veterinarian she is today. Monica is a valuable member of my team and I do not know what I would do without her.
Your Fluffy Puppy uses AKC (American Kennel Club), APRI (Americas Pet Registry), and ACA (American Canine Association) to register our dogs and puppies.
Most puppies will be registered with APRI, as we want them to be family companions.
Your Fluffy Puppy- Puppies are sold as family companions.